Client had a very tough case and prosecutors were trying to drag out case using the fact that a person wanting to fight their case from jail in Williamson County has to wait about a year for a Jury Trial. Client had a great case including a victim saying that she never said he strangled her, and no other witnesses. It was going to be set for trial, and the DA offered to reduce it to a misdemeanor and give client credit for time served. I urged client to fight it but can’t blame a client for wanting to be done with his sentence. Truth is a guilty man will do less time in Williamson County jail if he takes the deal compared to the innocent man who fights his case from jail only to have it dismissed as it nears trial. Great win for client though. The theft case was just proving that our client was not the one who stole the property and merely had access to the stolen property. IT was dismissed as it should have been.
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