Seeking a Deportation Defense Lawyer in Austin, Texas?
Deportation Defense Attorneys in Austin
Proudly Serving Austin & San Antonio’s Immigrant Community
Facing deportation is a complicated, stressful situation for anyone. That’s just one reason it’s so important to find knowledgeable, helpful, bilingual immigration lawyers to step up and represent you in your time of need. Peek Law Group offers experienced counseling and guidance in immigration law.
If you or someone you love may face deportation or removal proceedings, then you should consider seeking an attorney who is knowledgeable in this field. Seeking an immigration attorney is the ideal solution for canceling deportation. An experienced lawyer will help to direct and guide you through all of your options. When an individual is facing deportation, her or his options will immediately become limited. This is why it is necessary that you find an experienced San Antonio & Austin deportation defense attorney who knows how to help you with your cancellation of deportation.
Here at Peek Law Group, our deportation attorneys in Austin will work hard to determine exactly any possible eligibility regarding cancellation of deportation. We will also break the complete procedure down for you and your loved ones in order to make it easier for you. Our Austin deportation lawyers will also help you through all of the filing and paperwork, and aid you in preparation for your application so that you have the best possible chances of winning your deportation case.
To speak with one of our experienced immigration lawyers, contact our officesand we will be more than willing to help. It’s time to stop hesitating.
How To Appeal Deportation: 2 Ways
There are two methods for an immigrant to appeal deportation, by showing that she or he deserves cancellation of deportation using an application for cancellation of deportation.
The first option is a traditional cancellation of removal/deportation for a non-permanent resident.
The second choice is cancellation for an abused and non-permanent immigrant.
J.M.A. – 12/4/12 – Cancellations of Removal/Deportation – WIN! Client stays with family!
Client is a legal permanent resident who was arrested for a DWI. Client had several prior convictions for burglary of a vehicle and possession of drug paraphernalia. Client has a family in the U.S., including a pregnant wife and two other children from a previous relationship in which he has custody. Our Criminal Defense team was able to help Client plead out his DWI charge, so he was still eligible for Cancellation of Removal. Then Peek Law Group’s immigration team stepped in arguing before the immigration judge that Client’s prior convictions were not sufficient crimes of moral turpitude to preclude Client from relief. The judge agreed and cancelled Client’s removal proceedings allowing him to stay with his family in the U.S.
Client is an undocumented person who was arrested for assault. Client’s wife is a U.S. citizen and his three children are all U.S. citizens. Client’s wife is chronically ill and disabled. Peek Law Group ’s immigration team was able to argue that Client should be able to stay in the U.S. since he was married to a U.S. citizen and had three dependent U.S. citizen children, all of whom would suffer extreme hardship if Client was deported. The judge agreed and Client became a legal permanent resident and won his cancellation of removal hearing.
T. C. O. – 6/30/11 – Cancellation of Removal/Deportation – WON !! Client granted Permanent Residency!
Client had lived here most his life but had some criminal infractions which made him deportable. We argued to the judge the equities he had here in the U.S., and put on evidence and testimony of his good character and value to the community and the Judge sided with us and granted us the victory and awarded our client by cancelling his deportation. Great win that allows a client to avoid being deported to a country which he hasn’t known since he was a baby, that is today a very violent a dangerous place, and more importantly reunifying him with his family and letting them stay together here in the U.S.!
To determine if you may be eligible for great results like these, contact our office. Or you can read moreof our client experiences.
Canceling Deportation for Non-Permanent Residents in Texas
The application process requires the immigrant to show the following:
He or she maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. for 10 years or more prior to the Notice to Appear,
He or she is a person of good moral character,
He or she has not been convicted of an offense under section 212(a)(2), 237(a)(2), or 237(a)(3) of the INA, and
One of the following would result: His or her removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to the immigrant’s U.S. or lawful permanent resident spouse, parent, or child and thus he or she is deserving of favorable exercise of discretion.
Continuous Physical Presence
To qualify for cancellation of removal, an alien must show he or she has continuous physical presence for at least 10 years or more. The period of physical presence commences when the immigrant first physically enters the U.S. either legally or illegally.
The period of physical presence ends when one of the following occurs:
The immigrant is charged and placed in deportation or removal proceedings,
The immigrant commits an offense either inadmissible or removable, or
The immigrant leaves the U.S. for a period of more than 90 days consecutively or 180 days aggregately.
Good Moral Character
To be eligible for cancellation of removal, an immigrant must show he or she is a person of good moral character. There is no ideal definition for “good moral character”, however, the law does provide a definition for what does not qualify as good moral character.
The law states the following individuals are not persons of good moral character:
Habitual drunkards
Prostitutes or individuals involved in commercialized vice,
Individuals who have been convicted or, or admitted to the commission of, a crime involving moral turpitude,
Individuals with multiple criminal convictions,
Individuals who have been convicted of, or admitted of commission of, crimes related to controlled substances,
Controlled substance traffickers,
Individuals whose income is primarily derived from illegal gambling and individuals convicted of two or more gambling offenses,
Anyone who has given false testimony to obtain an immigrant benefits,
Anyone who has been confined to a penal institution for 180 days or more in the aggregate, and
Anyone convicted of an aggravated felony under INA §101(a)(43).
Please note: This list is not comprehensive of individuals who are not persons of good moral character according to immigration law.
Additionally, any individual convicted of an aggravated felony under INA §101(a)(43) is barred from establishing good moral character if the felony conviction occurred on or after November 29, 1990.
The following individuals are barred forever from establishing good moral character for the purpose of cancellation of removal:
An individual convicted of murder,
An individual who gave false testimony during an asylum interview,
An individual who assisted in illegally smuggling a spouse and/or child into the U.S,
An individual who was incarcerated in county jail for a period of 365 days or more,
An individual convicted of terroristic threats, and
An individual who has been ordered removed from the U.S. and seeks admission within 5 years of the date of removal.
Convicted Offenses Under INA §§ 212(a)(2), 237(a)(2), or 237(a)(3)
Those who are convicted for offenses under INA §§212(a)(2), 237(a)(2), or 237(a)(3) are ineligible for cancellation of removal.
The following offense convictions fall under this rule:
Crimes related to moral turpitude,
Controlled substance violations,
Prostitution or a commercialized vice,
Firearms offenses,
Domestic violence offenses,
Document fraud,
Falsification of documents, or
Failure to register with the government.
Exceptional & Extremely Unusual Hardship
To be eligible for cancellation of removal, the applicant must show his or her removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to the applicant’s U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident spouse, parent, or child. Extreme Hardship is determined by the age of the individual, the family ties in the U.S. and abroad, the length of residence in the U.S., condition of health, conditions in the country to which the alien was returnable, economic and political conditions in the applicant’s native country, financial status including business and occupational ties, the possibility of other means of adjustment of status, position in the community, community ties, and an individual’s immigration history.
The BIA in 2001 defined “exceptional and extremely unusual” hardship as truly exceptional, but not unconscionable hardship. In other words, the hardship an individual faces must be substantially beyond that which ordinarily would be expected to result from deportation. Overall, generally lower living standards were insufficient to supporting a finding of exceptionally an extremely unusual hardship.
If you or your family member is facing removal proceedings, please contact our officeto speak with an experienced immigration attorney about your options.
Canceling Deportation For Non-Permanent Abused Immigrants
Who Qualifies
An immigrant who has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty into the U.S. by his or her U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent.
An immigrant who is a parent of a child of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and the child has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty under the U.S. by the U.S. citizen or lawful resident parent.
Physical Presence
The immigrant maintained continuous physical presence in the U.S. for 3 or more years prior to the Notice to Appear.
Good Moral Character Requirement
The immigrant has been a person of good moral character.
No Aggravated Felony Convictions
The immigrant has not been convicted of an aggravated felony.
Not Inadmissible or Deportable
The immigrant inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) or 212(a)(3) of the INA, and he or she is not deportable under section 237(a)(1)(G) or section 237(a)(2)-(4) of the INA.
Deserving of Favorable Exercise of Discretion
The immigrant is deserving of favorable exercise of discretion on his or her application.
Extreme Hardship
The immigrant’s removal would result in extreme hardship to him or herself or his or her child who is the child of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.
The immigrant is a child whose removal would result in extreme hardship to him or herself or his or her parent. For more details on what we can do for you, contact Austin deportation attorneys.
Battery or Extreme Cruelty
To be eligible for cancellation of removal for a non-permanent abused immigrant, one must show he or she was battered or suffered extreme cruelty or his or her child was batted or suffered extreme cruelty by a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident.
A battery or extreme cruelty includes, but is not limited to:
Acts of violence,
Forced detention resulting in physical or mental injury,
Threats of physical or mental injury,
Psychological abuse, and
Sexual abuse.
Extreme Hardship
One of the elements for showing cancellation of removal for a non-permanent abused immigrant is extreme hardship. The age of the applicant, the length of residence in the U.S., family ties in the U.S. and abroad, health of the applicant and qualifying relatives, financial status, occupation of the applicant, ties to the community, economic and political conditions in the native country, immigration history, and the applicant’s position in the community are all factors used to determine extreme hardship.
In determining extreme hardship, the immigration judge may also consider the following:
Major extent of the physical and psychological consequences of abuse,
The effect of loss of access to the U.S. courts and criminal justice system including the ability to obtain and enforce a protection order,
The possibility that the batterer’s friends and family or other connected to the batterer in the home country could physically and psychologically harm the applicant,
The applicant’s needs, or those of the applicant’s children, for social, medical, mental health, or other supportive services that may be required as a result of the domestic violence and that are unavailable or not accessible in the home country,
The existence of laws and social practices in the home country that punish the applicant because he or she has been a victim of domestic violence or has taken steps to leave an abusive situation,
The abuser’s ability to travel to the home country, and
The willingness or ability of the authorities to protect the applicant in the home country.
He or she is not inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) or 212(a)(3) of the INA,
He or she is not deportable under section 237(a)(1)(G) or section 237(a)(2)-(4) of the INA
Inadmissible Crimes & Deportable Offenses
To qualify for cancellations of removal for a non-permanent abused immigrant, an individual must show he or she has not committed an inadmissible crime or a deportable offense. Inadmissible crimes include crimes of moral turpitude, controlled substance violations, or prostitution.
Deportable offenses include offenses that affect the following types of individuals:
Those who have been involved in marriage fraud,
Those convicted of crimes of moral turpitude,
Those convicted of aggravated felonies,
Those engaged in high speed flight from immigration checkpoints,
Those convicted of controlled substance violations,
Those who are drug abusers and addicts,
Those convicted of firearm offenses,
Those convicted of domestic abuse, stalking or child abuse,
Those who have violated portions of protected orders that were meant to protect against threats of violence or bodily injury,
Those who are deportable for failing to report to the government, and
Those who are removable for document fraud.
At Peek Law Group, We Also Representing The Following Practice Areas:
How Can a San Antonio & Austin Deportation Defense Attorney Help?
When faced with the difficulties of immigration law, seeking the guidance of a skilled San Antonio and Austin deportation defense attorney is crucial. They can navigate the intricate legal landscape, protecting your rights and offering the best possible defense against deportation. Deportation defense attorneys not only provide legal counsel, but they stand as advocates for immigrants, fighting to keep families together and ensure a fair process for each individual.
The services provided by a deportation defense attorney include:
Comprehensive Case Evaluation: Every case is unique. Deportation defense attorneys assess your situation in detail to develop a personalized strategy.
Legal Representation: They offer strong representation in court hearings and immigration proceedings.
Documentation and Paperwork: These attorneys assist in preparing and submitting necessary legal documents, ensuring accuracy and punctuality.
Communication with Authorities: They liaise with immigration authorities on your behalf, handling any issues that may arise.
Appeals: If a case does not result in a favorable outcome initially, deportation defense attorneys can help file appeals and continue the fight for your rights.
Updates on Immigration Law: As immigration laws can change frequently, having a legal expert can ensure you are up-to-date with any changes that may affect your case.
Emotional Support: Facing deportation is stressful. An empathetic attorney can provide emotional support alongside legal guidance.
By leveraging their knowledge and expertise, our San Antonio and Austin deportation defense attorneys can help reduce uncertainty and stress, offering the best possible defense to those facing the threat of deportation.
If you or your family member is facing removal proceedings or facing deportation, please contact our officeor call (512)-474-4445to speak with an experienced deportation defense lawyer in Austin & San Antonio about your options.
From the very beginning, the team was professional, knowledgeable, and incredibly supportive. They took the time to understand my unique situation and guided me through every step of the process with clarity and patience. I always felt confident knowing I was in capable hands. Jeff and Teresita were awesome and
- Annie B.
“We recommend her 100%”
Excellent lawyer, lawyer Natalia Chávez is the best we have known, she resolved my husband's criminal case, she is very kind, we recommend her 100%
- Lorena C.
“Deep knowledge of immigration laws and genuine concern”
I want to express my sincere gratitude to attorney Natalia for her dedication and professionalism in my immigration case. From day one, he showed deep knowledge of immigration laws and genuine concern for my situation. She was always clear and transparent in every step of the process, which gave me
- Victor C.
“We are very grateful to Peek Law Group”
We are very grateful to Peek Law Group, in the case of my son, they worked very professionally, responsibly and above all with a lot of communication with us, I recommend them 100%, thank you again for all your help
- Mariana N.
“Everyone at the Peek Law Group is truly a pleasure to work with”
Everyone at the Peek Law Group is truly a pleasure to work with and I am lucky to have found them. I had an immigration case that had been ongoing for 12 years with no progress, and within a year and a half of moving to Austin and beginning to
- Juliette R.
“Super kind, attentive”
Good morning, thank God I had a criminal case and thanks to the efficiency of the lawyer Natalia Chávez and her group of collaborators they were able to dismiss my case. The lawyer Natalia is super kind, attentive, I really didn't think they would unite lawyers so kind, it is
- Carlos R.
“I highly recommend this firm it’s filled with professionalism”
My lawyer was Chris Villarreal and the paralegal Alejandro and Chris as a lawyer did fight really hard to get my dad’s case dismissed. I highly recommend this firm it’s filled with professionalism as well.
- Alex D.
“I was amazed at how fast and supportive they were”
Alejandro Arguello & Chris Villarreal helped me get my case dismissed REAL QUICKLY, I was amazed at how fast and supportive they were in figuring out the best way to get myself out of the situation I was in. Thanks to them I can enjoy my life knowing I won’t
- Luis R.
“I recommend them 100%”
Very good law firm, They always treated me kindly, And they explained to me step by step what the process of my case was, I recommend them 100%
- Djbean S.
“Excellent work”
Excellent work, fast and effective Thank you lawyer Nataly
- Jorge V.
“Very professional.”
I couldn't be more happy with the service Peek Law Group provided. Very professional.
- Alex M.
“Excellent personalized service”
Excellent personalized service, they give you the confidence you are looking for, they are very good lawyers
- Dino C.
“Very grateful and happy”
Very grateful and happy with the work of the lawyer Natalia and Peek Law Group for the result obtained in my case and for the treatment I received from her.
- Yoan E.
“Iit was a very good experience”
Thank you to this law firm for helping me in my case, it was a very good experience and I recommend them.
- Rafael C.
“Excellent in every sense of the word!!”
Firstly, I am grateful to God and while oh faith oh hope 2 thank God for the lives of lawyers thank you thank you from the criminal case to my husband's immigration case!! peek Andrea jarrero, excellent lawyer, she helped with evidence to remove the criminal charge, andrea simple cencible,
- Dulce J.
“Great communication and very nice people”
Very great, got my case dismissed and was they where on top of everything, great communication and very nice people
- Christopher H.
“Thank you very much for everything.”
Delighted with the attention and the treatment received is super pleasant! Thank you very much for everything.
- Vanessa S.
“I can't begin to express my gratitude for their dedication and expertise.”
Peek and Toland have consistently delivered exceptional results for both myself and my family. Each experience with them has left us more than satisfied. Most recently, Teresita and Karina handled my case and in just under seven months, they brought my case to a successful resolution. I can't begin to
- Wen.
“100% recommended”
I am very satisfied with the service and attention they gave us They always answer our questions at any time 100% recommended thank you for excellent service they were a great talluda.
- Rosa B.
“We are very thankful.”
We are very thankful. With our lawyer that helped us very much Pamela , moreno Is a person that I recommend? That will fight for immigration case. It was a Process but we got it done thank u jesus If you are looking for a good immigration lawyer, I do
- Crystal D.
“Very professional, very transparent and honest”
100% recommended, I worked with Teresita and her work team who helped me in the citizenship process, very professional, very transparent and honest, thank you peek law group for making one of my dreams possible, especially to Teresita and Natalia
- Ariel G.
“I highly recommend them.”
They are a very efficient and extremely professional law firm. I highly recommend them. They helped me with the Dhaka process for my son. And then they answered some very specific questions that I needed to know and without any charge compared to other lawyers who don't want to answer
- Janete R.
“Very quick to respond to any questions or doubts we had.”
Karina & Teresita is who we worked with. They were both super helpful and always very quick to respond to any questions or doubts we had.
- Prisicilla S.
“I recommend these lawyers 100 percent.”
At Peek Law Group I had an excellent experience. Pamela helped me through the process and was the best representative I could have had for this case. He kept me up to date with the entire process. I recommend these lawyers 100 percent. Thank you very much Pamela for all
- Pedro R.
“They have become a part of my immigration story and I could not be more thankful to them.”
This firm came highly recommended by a family friend, when my husband and I decided to work with them it was the best decision we could have made. Teresita and Karina were great, Karina kept me updated and answered any questions or concerns I had along the way. They have
- Maria M.
“Clear advice, fast and consistent communication”
Teresita, Karina and the Firm are the best! I use Peek for all of my immigration issues, and refer and recommend my friends when needed. If you’re an individual or a company/entity that needs immigration assistance, then look no further. Clear advice, fast and consistent communication, and thorough diligence, listening,
- David A.
“The entirety of Peek Law Group has been so great”
Vanessa was absolutely amazing, she exhibited the utmost care and concern for my situation and was such a source of peace and assurance throughout the various stressors and complexities that surround Visa issues. The entirety of Peek Law Group has been so great, and the process of getting in contact
- Andrew B.
“I can’t recommend them high enough.”
Jeff Peek and his entire staff are professional and great at what they do. They talked me through the entire plan. They did what they said, said what they meant. Everything went exactly the way they said it would. I hope I never need them again, but if I do
- Lloyd N.
“We are very happy and grateful for the work I do.”
I had a very complicated immigration case and the lawyer Pamela Moreno helped me and guided me every step of the way. Thanks to your help, I was granted residency. We are very happy and grateful for the work I do.
- Manuel G.
“They always worked to immediately resolve any issues.”
Peek Law Group was absolutely wonderful to work with during my husband’s immigration process, and we are very thankful to Teresita and Karina for their excellent work. From start to finish, they were very professional, friendly, thorough, knowledgeable and helpful. Whenever we had questions or obstacles, the communication was excellent,
- Mary Elizabeth B.
“Very dedicated to our cases and very kind”
The best lawyers have always helped me a lot and with the best service, very dedicated to our cases and very kind, thanks to the entire buffet, thank you, I recommend you %100
- Monica S.
“Very professional,”
At first a little scared but once you see that the lawyer Paola Moreno started doing her thing, a huge peace of mind, very professional, the girl, thank you, I recommend you, thank you, lawyer Paola Moreno
- Victor R.
“I really admire with both their interest and professionalism”
The wonderful law office that we found by chance, which started my journey to come to America! They are people I really admire with both their interest and professionalism, they are all a very valuable and high-quality lawyer association! I love them so much! I can say with peace of
- Havva G.
“Definitely recommend.”
Karina and Teresita were with us every step of the way for my wife's green card journey and their help meant so much to us. Definitely recommend.
- Matt S.
“I am immensely thankful for their invaluable assistance.”
I extend my deepest gratitude to Peek Law Group and specifically to Teresita for their pivotal role in enabling my return to the United States. Teresita's proficient handling of my paperwork ensured a timely submission, and her unwavering support kept me connected and informed throughout the entire process. Now reunited
- Oscar R.
“They worked very hard and helped me”
The best lawyers, I am very happy because they helped me in my case, which was very serious, and they worked very hard and helped me, I recommend them.
- Jorge O.
“Grateful for the excellent work they did.”
Grateful for the excellent work they did. They were always ready to answer my questions and kept me informed of everything that was happening with my case. 100% recommended
- Alexis V.
“I sincerely recommend you and I fully trust your work.”
Good afternoon to all the audience; Especially to the Peek Law Group Firm, PLLC; First of all, thank you very much for your excellent service, both professional, ethical and in all aspects, I sincerely recommend you and I fully trust your work. Have the best experience, See you soon.
- Maria B.
“I am completely satisfied and very happy, I thank you very much for your help.”
I am completely satisfied and very happy, I thank you very much for your help, the truth is I thought that this process was going to be very long but the lawyer Marisela Arredondo did her work very well and excellent, I thank her very much for everything she helped
- Maritza L.
“I have a wonderful experience with their services and I am very grateful to them.”
Peek Law Group are excellent lawyers. The entire work team is characterized by treating clients in a friendly and highly ethical manner, making the client feel confident in the services they offer, which vary from immigration lawyers to criminal defense. I have a wonderful experience with their services and I
- Orlando H.
“They have a very amazing team”
Im very pleased to have chosen Peek Law Firm to represent me in criminal and immigration matters. They have a very amazing team that are always there to help you, answer your questions and keep you up to date through the whole process . Also very professionals. Pamela , Teresita
- Jose M.
“Very good lawyers”
I want to thank the lawyer Karina Rivera for helping me with my case, they are very good lawyers, they helped me twice and they are very good lawyers and again thanks to all the lawyers and especially Karina Rivera.
- Horlando C.
“They are very honest, they always speak the truth.”
I recommend them 100%. They are very honest, they always speak the truth. Do not hesitate to contact them. My experience was excellent. Thank you very much. Thank you peek law group. God bless you all, your team. God bless you forever. Thank you for helping us. and be very
- Maria A.
“They are very fast and professional.”
They are very fast and professional. I highly recommend them, they have helped me a lot and they were always attentive to the case. I dare to say that they are number 1 in Austin, very professional, recommended if they are expensive, but that means the degree of lawyer you have
- Muneco A.
“Best lawyers to go to for your criminal case and immigration case”
Peak and Tolland helped me with my case and dismissed my case in a year. Best lawyers to go to for your criminal case and immigration case as well. Strongly recommend 100% to anyone needing help with their criminal case and immigration status.
- Francisco R.
“I will definitely be recommending them to all of my peers needing legal assistance.”
Marisela and Alejandro were the best in making me feel comfortable throughout my whole legal process and were always available to answer any of my questions. I will definitely be recommending them to all of my peers needing legal assistance.
- Anahly M.
“They helped me very well”
I recognize that it is a good law firm, they helped me very well thanks to the lawyer. In five months I finished my house and I can spend some time fighting to be close to my family.
- Miguel G.
“Thank you very much for everything, widely recommended”
From the first day they were attentive to my house and despite the circumstances they achieved a good result with my case, especially the personalized attention of my advisor, thank you very much for everything, widely recommended
- Jeronimo A.
“Just got the best news of my life”
Just got the best news of my life Thank you so much Peek Law Group Special thanks to Pamela N. Moreno She’s has been very sweet, kind and very supportive and transparent Hey guys if you’re looking for a great immigration law firm contact them you won’t regret it and
- Cherif H.
“I can only be grateful to the entire law firm.”
I can only be grateful to the entire law firm. I had a very bad experience with immigration lawyers and they helped me at all times and I can say that thanks to them they removed a deportation order that I had and now I have my residence, I am
- Nayda C.
“I have always gone to them and will continue to do so.”
Very helpful! They answered every question I had and were in contact with me every step of the way. I have always gone to them and will continue to do so.
- Isaac S.
“Very professional law firm team!”
I want to thank Peek and Toland law firm. Very professional law firm team!!! A special thank you to Teresita and Karina we are so grateful for everything, you guys made it happen!
- Angela H.
“They are the legal office you want to work with.”
Very professional team very nice personnel they keep you informed of everything they respond to your questions in a timely manner. They are the legal office you want to work with. They are simply the best at what they do. I highly recommend Marisela, Joey, Alejandro, and Jeff the best
- Yeni P.
“Great experience!”
Great experience!! Always helping with every doubt I had for my case Had a great team working on my case thank ya so much Very professional and caring!
- Blanca S.
“The most important thing is that you resolved my case.”
Thank you very much for your work, it really was of great help and the most important thing is that you resolved my case.
- Juan P.
“Teresita has been an absolute star throughout the whole process.”
Great company and definitely would recommend to a friend. Teresita has been an absolute star throughout the whole process. She was very fast and efficient to reply and walk me through every single step. Thank you!
- Agneska M.
“They really took interest in helping me and fighting for me.”
This law firm was amazing and I would definitely recommend them. At the beginning the communication seemed slow or lack thereof, getting calls back or some type of information. It seemed that the lack of communication was due to them not having all the information themselves. Since I had no
- Sam O.
“Excellent job.”
Thank you very much Peek & Toland and especially many blessings to the lawyer Márisela Arredondo for having helped us. Excellent job. My family is very grateful for having helped us. Thank you very much for everything. 100% recommended.
- Jessica Alejandro
“Can’t thank them enough for what they helped me achieve.”
I’ve been doing business with this legal team for years now since I was 17 trying to get DACA. And now I have my permanent residence at 27 years old. My attorney Teresita, and paralegal Rubi where at all times outstanding and I feel like they went above and beyond
- Jesus M.
“Professionalism, enthusiasm, and kindness.”
Thank you Peek and Toland for your services!! Due to their kindness, respect, and courtesy that they showed me during my immigration process, without a doubt, I recommend them to family, relatives, and friends, especially to the lawyer Pamela Moreno, who represented me with professionalism, enthusiasm, and kindness in my
- Jaime R.
“Teresita was great.”
Teresita was great. She made the whole process easy. She prepared all the documents and kept me informed of progress along the way.
- John D.
“I am beyond grateful to the Law Office of Peek & Toland.”
I am beyond grateful to the Law Office of Peek & Toland. Because they were always aware of the renewal of my parents in 3 months they opted for the new residency card. THANK YOU.
- Lupa R.
“I highly recommend doing business with this firm.”
I highly recommend doing business with this firm when it comes to your immigration needs. They have treated my family and I very well. Thank you.
- Josue A.
“You went above and beyond.”
Thank you so much Teresita. You went above and beyond to help Salvador attain his citizenship. I can now proudly say that my father is an American citizen!
- Gerson G.
“Excellent service...”
Excellent service, everyone is friendly from the moment they answer the phone, they explain the process step by step and they make an effort to solve the cases as soon as possible. They know how to work as a team and care about their clients!! We personally met Lawyer Maricela
- Isabella N.
“Totally Awesome!!!!”
Totally Awesome!!!!
- Christian C.
“I can only be grateful to the entire law firm.”
I can only be grateful to the entire law firm. I had had a very bad experience with immigration lawyers and they helped me at all times and I can say that thanks to them they lifted a deportation order that I had and now I have my residence I
- Nayda C.
“Very nice and I am very satisfied with your work.”
Very nice and I am very satisfied with your work. I hope everything goes well with all your cases. Thank you. God bless you
- Joselucio L.
“I could not put my case in better hands from day one.”
I could not put my case in better hands from day one. I knew that they were excellent people and as professionals the best. Excellent work. Very satisfied. Thank you 100% recommended.
- Guillermina R.
“Thanks Peek and Toland for awesome job!”
Jeff Peek and his team are the Best of the Best. After talking to him he jumped on our case right away! Very professional and honest. Will recommend to anyone that will like a professional, fast response! Thanks Peek and Toland for awesome job!
- Yamil H.
“...if you feel concerned about your immigration status, do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Peek and Toland...”
This publication is to thank the lawyers Peek and Toland but above all to thank the lawyer Pamela Moreno. This is because even though we had a difficult journey with my immigration court Pamela Moreno and her team were always there every step of the way making sure I was
- Alejandro C.
“Highly recommend to go with these immigration lawyers.”
The experience of working permanent residency with the peek and toland firm for permanent residency was great. Teresita was very helpful from the get go and provided regular updates and feedback on the process. She was also very responsive over emails to all my questions and helped us with the
- Sukesh S.
“These guys are definitely a team worth bragging about and show passion in their work.”
I have spoken with a few lawyers about my father's immigration case but nobody gave us the customer service like Jeff Peek did. He showed definite interest in our case, something that nobody did, and gave us every possible solution there was regarding it. He made sure that all of
- Nelsi F.
“I highly recommend this office...”
Teresita and Karina were so great in helping me during my application. I highly recommend this office for anyone who is looking for an immigration office.
- Cesar G.
“The best law firm in town!”
The best law firm in town! I am very thankful for everyone who helped with my husband's case! You guys always explained everything that was happening with my husband's case and kept me in the loop with what was next. They are all very nice, friendly and approachable people. We
- Alejandra M.
“My outcome was amazing.”
Pamela Moreno was my attorney. Her demeanor and understanding were greatly appreciated. I came into my virtual court very anxious and she made sure to hear me out. During our conversation, I felt at ease which is something everyone wants in a already stressful situation. My outcome was amazing. Thank
- J.D.
They have excellent service. They make sure they are prepared for the courts. They are very professional and patient with customers. Personally, I had little chance of fixing my immigration status, but thanks to them, I managed to do it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED............
- Daniel S.
“Definitely recommend!!”
I want to say thank you to Attorney Pamela Moreno and all staff Peek and Toland for the amazing work they did in my immigration process. They are very nice and kind people. We would choose to work with Pamela Moreno again and recommend Peek and Toland to others. Definitely
- Angel G.
“The best immigration lawyers in town!!!”
The best immigration lawyers in town!!! I had spoken with 8 different attorneys before choosing them. Since the day we met they explained our case very clearly and in detail and always kept us updated along each step of the way! We finally got my husbands green card last week
- Josefa J.
“Highly satisfied with my experience!!!”
Highly satisfied with my experience!!! Teresita is the best, she was on top of the situation, since day one she knew what the outcome was going to be!!! She perfectly understands how it works!! I am so proud she was my lawyer! She is always positive, and she knows what
- Fernando G.
“I am very thankful for all the hard work this law firm has provided.”
I am very thankful for all the hard work this law firm has provided. Not only are they professional but they will go out their way to get the best outcome they can for you. They will really fight for you and will do anything to keep you afloat with
- Nancy G.
“The lawyers of the firm are highly trained...”
The lawyers of the firm are highly trained, so the attention is extraordinary. My experience with Ms. Teresita Rodríguez was successful. I recommend the office if what you are looking for is a friendly, fast and professional attention.
- Mariana T.
“The best in Austin Texas!”
The best in Austin Texas! My case was very difficult don’t want to go to much details but let’s say it was a nightmare. Had already had 2 attorneys before meeting Steve and Andrea. I had almost lost hope in finding anyone who number one were willing to fight. Number
- Zapien A.
“We strongly recommend Peek & Toland as a great Immigration Firm.”
We strongly recommend Peek & Toland as a great Immigration Firm. We were advised by their group of attorneys throughout the process of application for my wife's permanent residence. In key moments that we needed advice we were directly advised by Jeff Peek and during the whole process Teresita Rodriguez,
- Tom C.
“...undoubtedly the best Attorneys in Austin!”
I have been a proud client of Peek and Toland since 2014 for both the criminal and immigration sides of the firm and they are undoubtedly the best Attorneys in Austin! Not only are they professional and always available to answer questions, they are also very caring and dedicated to their
- Jorge B.
“I highly would recommend Peek & Toland!”
I highly would recommend Peek & Toland! Our immigration lawyer, Pamela Moreno did an amazing job. She would constantly keep us updated, and would explain to us thoroughly the process and the procedures that needed to be done. We are very grateful for their amazing work!
- Isela M.
“Peek & Toland are the epitome of professionalism and excellence.”
Peek & Toland are the epitome of professionalism and excellence. The minute I walked in the doors I knew I made the right choice. They answered every question I had, calmed any fear that crept up and are straight forward with every scenario possible. Every step of the way they
- Michael G.
“I cannot recommend P&T enough!”
I cannot recommend P&T enough! They helped us with an adjustment of status. They are very responsive, professional and cared about our case since day 1. If you are thinking of any type of legal representation for immigration, you should definitely give P&T a try.
- Rodrigo B.
“This firm is just fantastic!”
This firm is just fantastic! They helped my husband with some immigration issues that we needed taking care of and I cannot tell you how wonderful they were. The office is so on top of everything and kept us constantly informed about our case. They let us know what we
- Debbie L.
“excelente servicio y atención”
La abogada monica Aguirre ,muy buena abogada .excelente servicio y atención. Recomiendo estos abogados.
- Former Client
“Trust is Key”
Steve and Andrea had always gone the extra mile to make sure I felt safe. I recommend them 100% and more.
- Zapien A.
“Great Immigration Firm”
They explained the process very clearly and were always ready to help us
- Eddie C.
“Constantly Kept Us Updated”
We are very grateful for their amazing work!
- Isela M
“Muchas gracias Pamela, Jeff, Kassandra, y Juan.”
Muchas gracias Pamela, Jeff, Kassandra, y Juan. Fue un largo procesó, muy estresante para la familia el que mi hermano fuera detenido por ICE. Contratamos a Peek and Toland porque nos dijieron que nos podían ayudar, después se complicó la situación por falta de comunicación. Al final, pude encontrar los
- Former Client
“son unos abogados muy profesionales y eficaces y le agradexko mucho a la gran abogada Marisela andrea y todo el equipo muy tenazes y eficientes muchas gracias”
- Former Client
“Maricela Arredondo ,una persona muy confiable me escucho y platique con ella como si fuera mi familia . que Dios bendiga su carrera abogada !!!!”
soy una cliente de los abogados gueros y estoy muy agradecida con ellos porque me quitaron los cargos de violencia domestica que tenia en mi contra , gracias a mi abogada que me represento la srta. Maricela Arredondo ,una persona muy confiable me escucho y platique con ella como si
- Former Client
“Maricela Arredondo ,una persona muy confiable me escucho y platique con ella como si fuera mi familia . que Dios bendiga su carrera abogada !!!!”
soy una cliente de los abogados gueros y estoy muy agradecida con ellos porque me quitaron los cargos de violencia domestica que tenia en mi contra , gracias a mi abogada que me represento la srta. Maricela Arredondo ,una persona muy confiable me escucho y platique con ella como si
- Former Client
“Solo esperar el paso que sigue de verdad muchas gracias”
Les compartimos nuestra gratitud que tenemos con esta firma de abogados Peek & Toland por el trabajo realizado con excelentes resultados y un agradecimiento especia para los abogados que llevaron mi caso desde el principio y el final Marisela el señor Toland Andrea Jarrero Alejandro Juan castro Casandra por su
- Former Client
“hizo un trabajo excepcional..”
la abogada andrea jarrero muy amable desde el principio hasta el final del caso. hizo un trabajo excepcional..
- Former Client
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A member of our team will be in touch shortly to confirm your contact details or address questions you may have.
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