Today was a really great day for one of our clients. She had been sentenced 9 years ago to a 10 year probation on a 2nd Degree Cocaine Possession case. Her exposure, meaning the potential sentence she could have received was 2-20 years in prison for any violations of her conditions of probation. Unfortunately for our client, she absconded (meaning after being release from jail on probation she never reported, never did any community service, never paid any fees, never did any classes). There was a reason why she did not do these things, she had a family emergency outside the country and had to leave to attend to the emergency. Being outside the country for several years she came back to the U.S.. Once back she restarted her life, but having been young and naïve did not realize the consequences of absconding on a 2nd Degree Felony Drug Possession case. Unfortunately she was arrested for Assault against a family member, and now was facing not only the new Assault charge but a probable prison sentence. Well, thanks to her attorneys at Peek Law Group , she not only got her Assault case dismissed, they were able to convince the judge that the just and right thing to do was discharge their client from probation and not send her to prison. The client was crying in disbelief as Jeff Peek told her the amazing news. A lot of the credit goes to the judge who was amazingly understanding and wise. Almost always these kinds of cases deserve prison time. But one in a rare while there are circumstances that deserve further consideration, and in this case the Criminal Defense attorneys at Peek Law Group focused on the fact that the original sentence and underlying crime, were almost completely due to the fact that their client was with her boyfriend at the time of a drug bust, and they found large amounts of cocaine in the car they were both in. Her former attorney did not put up a fight and the client ended up with a large and rather unjust sentence, considering her involvement. The client was born again Christian and knew she had made some huge errors as a young woman, and knew that she would probably have to pay for those youthful errors. Today was a day of real celebration and praise to God that not only has her sin been forgiven in the eyes of a forgiving Lord, but today she found mercy in the courtroom as well. Today was one of those days were I felt good leaving the courthouse knowing a mom would be going home to see her 2 daughter instead of going off to prison for 5 years, and all because a Judge was forgiving, God answered prayers, and an attorney believed in doing all he could to help his client.
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