Parole and Probation Violators Make Up Bulk of Prison Population


Parole and probation programs are designed to offer alternatives to incarceration by allowing them to serve sentences for criminal convictions outside of jail or prison walls. According to a report by the Council of State Governments Justice Center (CSG), a large portion of prison inmates are incarcerated due to probation or parole violations, either due to technical violations or new offenses. This disappointing data undermines the premise of probation and parole in general.

The report states that 45% of state prison admissions across the country are based on parole or probation violations, whether for new offenses or technical violations. As many as one-third of these violations are due to technical violations, although others are far more serious, such as violations for committing new crimes. Some examples of technical violations include failing drug tests, being around others with criminal records, and being out past curfew.

Approved humanitarian parole application
Parole and Probation Violators Make Up Bulk of Prison Population

Overall, nearly one in every four inmates, or 280,000, are incarcerated for these violations on any given day. In 13 different states, more than one in three people are incarcerated due to supervision violations daily. In the state of Texas, about 16% of the incarcerated population is due to probation or parole violations on any given day, or just under 23,000 people.

The total proportion of state prison admissions based on supervision violations in 20 states is over 50%. Texas is only slightly below that mark, coming in at 47%. These statistics show that half the prison admissions in half the country are solely due to parole or probation violations, which is a high cost to society. Based on this report, the costs of incarcerating these individuals top $9.3 billion annually. If you or a family member is facing any criminal charges, we may be able to help. As experienced Texas criminal defense attorneys, we have the knowledge needed to help you navigate through often-complex criminal proceedings. Call us today at (512) 399-2311 and schedule an appointment with one of our criminal defense lawyers and learn how we can assist you.

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