Eligibility for U Visa, T Visa, and VAWA


U Visa 

U visa is a nonimmigrant visa for individuals who have been victims of violent crimes who are willing to assist law enforcement and government officials in prosecuting criminal activity. 

Serious crimes include aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, rape, attempted murder, domestic violence.

T Visa 

It’s a very uncommon used visa by most immigrants. This type of visa allows certain human trafficking victims and immediate family members to remain and work temporarily in the United States. Typically if they report the crime to law enforcement and agree to help them in the investigation or prosecution of the crime committed against them.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) 

VAWA provides protections for immigrants of violent domestic crime. To qualify for VAWA, a victim must prove that they have been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by a U.S-citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent.

We’ve had clients come in for a consult who were completely misguided by unethical attorneys. Hence, it’s essential to be highly informed of the requirements and eligibility before you spend thousands of dollars and have more than one opinion from experienced attorneys. 

To learn more about how our firm can help you through any immigration process, contact us at (512) 399-2311 or visit our website www.peekandtoland.com.

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